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Istituto di Istruzione Superiore - "Isabella Morra" > People with disabilities and special needs

People with disabilities and special needs


A specialized Working Team for education and proper inclusion of students with disabilities and special needs operates inside the institute. It acts in partnership with local actors (families, health care, care team), and has to arrange, for each disabled student, a Personalized Education Plan.
The plane is based on the ICF (The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) suggested by WHO (World Health Organization); it is very important because ICF
• provides a scientific basis for the understanding and study of health seen as the interaction between an individual and his/her environment;
• provides a common language for the description of health and health-related conditions in order to improve the communication between healthcare professionals, researchers, policy makers, and the population, including persons with disabilities;
• allows the comparison of data collected in different countries, disciplines, services, and times;
• provides a systematic method to code information in health information systems.
Moreover the personalized education plane contains the educational goals and learning, the educational path, the types of intervention, the indications about the materials, places and times of each action. Activities are organized in a flexible manner in order to prevent demotivation, mental stress and school dropout.
Specialized teachers act in the classes where you find pupils with special needs: of course every pupils in the class are involved in this educational process, because integration is obtained through the implementation of educational settings, tailored to the type of handicap, and, most importantly, aim to promote self-help groups among pupils.
When possible school grants to disabled people the access to work placements and self confidence to skills and competencies.
Among the priority activities planned by the institute, we remember “Orienteering and Welcoming”, both school and extra school activities, guided study, aimed at recovering the knowledge and basic skills, sports activities and participation in school championships, internships, laboratory activities such as: arts workshop, music workshop, psychomotor, gardening workshop, swimming. It provides the acquisition of additional human resources by resorting to voluntary associations of the area.
The school is committed to the promotion of training and sensitization of teachers in respect of Specific Learning Disabilities and Disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysorthography, etc), in order to care students diagnosed with SLD; we give them accompanying measures, compensation and support for education.
The Class Council, therefore, arranges individualized planning and / or custom, as well as methodological strategies and forms of assessment and evaluation of effective and flexible solutions that take into account the pace and learning abilities of each.
The synergy between individualized teaching and customized results for students with SLD, grant the achieving the learning objectives focused on each talent. In compliance with the general and specific objectives of learning, teaching custom is applicable to a variety of teaching methods such as
promote the academic success of students with learning difficulties, thanks to teaching devices (diagrams, maps, charts, summaries, charts), attention to learning styles, the calibration of the interventions on the basis of the levels achieved.